Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

Around this time every year, public schools begin preparing their teachers and students for annual testing and evaluations. I see friends who are teachers stressing over the outcomes, parents concerned their students aren't performing at grade level, and students who are either so fixated on scoring well they get sick or are totally oblivious to the magnitude of the test results on their academic careers.

Thankfully, as homeschoolers, we don't have to be subjected to some of the stresses as others may. We are in a unique position to evaluate and know where our children are academically and can customize their learning to fill in any gaps that might occur.

If you are unsure where your children stand as compared to their traditionally schooled counterparts, I recommend the book What Every (Child's grade level) Needs to Know. The grade level is based on the current grade level your child is in. You can also order the California Achievement Test from Christian Liberty Press or Bob Jones Publishers.

Finally, trust your own instincts. You know what your child knows and doesn't know and what he or she can do or needs work at. A friend of mine had her son in public school and week after week, the teacher would tell my friend that her son didn't know this or that and couldn't do these skills. She took a step of faith and pulled her son from public school. It wasn't long before it was discovered that her son had trouble with his vision and in fact he did know nearly all of the things the teacher said he didn't. You know your children!

In some states, you can have your child evaluated by a certified teacher, too. So, Homeschooling Mama, don't fall into the rut of stressing about where your child is academically. Seek out your options and also what you know your child can do!

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