Monday, April 29, 2013

Moments with Our Kids

Spending Quality Time With Our Children

This past weekend, my middle son and I attended a Civil Air Patrol Wing Conference.  It was so much fun!  As a Senior Member (the name for adult volunteers!), I had the opportunity to sit in on sessions meant to enhance my understanding and efficiency of my role in our squadron.  My son got to learn about teamwork, physical agility, and endurance--at the Air Force Academy ropes course!  While our definitions of "fun" vary greatly, one of the main things I took away from this weekend was the importance of sharing a love of this organization and desire to do our best in our individual roles. 
As I was meditating on the talks my son and I have had, I began to think about ways we can engage our children by taking an active interest in the things that interest them.  Sure, I've supported my son as he promoted every 8-12 weeks;  yes, I've been that mom who take TONS of pictures of my kids in their theatre productions; and I've put my children in classes that fulfilled their needs for the things they were interested in. But I discovered that being a part of the Civil Air Patrol organization with my son took that interest and support of him to a whole new level.  
  • How can we take our support of our children's activities to the next level?
  • What more can I do to show my support?
  • What if I'm already doing all that I can to support my child(ren)?
Taking our support to the next level doesn't have to mean we begin coaching the football or baseball team or volunteer as an officer in our child's organization!  Maybe we begin to arrange a snack schedule for moms to bring snacks after the practices or we collect funds for an end of the season pizza party.  Maybe it means we audition and perform a theatre production  with our children.  Or maybe it means we step in and provide a service or other role that is needed within the group or organization.  Pray about your involvement and ask the Lord to show you how you can become more engaged.  Ask Him to show you unique ways, especially if you aren't sure how you might possibly add one more thing to your already busy week!

I know it was a big step for me to volunteer with our local  CAP squadron, but once I did, it made a huge difference in the relationship with my son.  What would the Lord have you do?  Ask Him; He'll tell you!!


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