Thursday, November 26, 2015

Vision Boards: Honing in On Your Passion

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I'm up getting the turkey ready for the oven, so I thought I would share with you something that I've committed to doing for the next 28 days to get ready for making my vision board. For the next 28 days, I want to challenge you. If you are willing to accept the challenge, here is what you'll need to do!

By now you should have begun compiling your list of 50 things you want to do. That was the assignment, if you will, from Monday. Now I want you to choose the top ten things from that list that you'd like to accomplish in the next 12-18 months. Here are the rules:

  • Write down your top ten things everyday
  • Use a separate page for each day
  • Don't look back on what you wrote the previous day; try to remember what you wrote
  • Try to write at the same time everyday

At the end of the 28 days, the things that you were able to remember successfully, especially with great accuracy, are the things in your heart, the things you are most passionate about on your list.

These things are what we're going to use to create our vision boards for 2016!! You'll be well on your way to accomplishing your goals because you're passionate about them, you'll see them everyday, and you'll want to move toward checking your goals off your list!


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