Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frustrated or Free: Allowing God FULL reign over your life

Setbacks seem to happen when things are going well for my family: We worked ahead a week in homeschooling and then my kids got sick; in faith we moved back to Colorado with jobs lined up, but then they were withdrawn once we got here; and we received a financial blessing only to have an unexpected bill come up.  At one time in my life, I would get frustrated, worried and try to remedy the situation on my own.  But now, as a child of God heir, I can see the attacks that the enemy fires at me, meant to disable my faith, my reliance on the ONE who can correct me and my path.  The Word says that God is not mocked; what a man sows he will also reap.  The choices we make WILL influence our lives later on, but the confidence we have is that whatever we ask in Jesus' Name we WILL have!  With that, the Lord works ALL things for good to those that love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose in Christ Jesus.
Walking in faith takes strength, perseverance and commitment.  Have you heard the phrase, "You can do it!"?  Let me assure you, the Lord KNOWS you CAN do it; He wants to know you are WILLING to do whatever He asks of you.  He won't ask anything of you that doesn't line up with His good and perfect will for your life and His overall plan to reach the lost through each of us!  When setbacks or attacks come, it is because you are working for the Kingdom and getting into a deeper and closer relationship with the Lord.  This makes Satan very nervous and he works at getting us and our minds off of the assignments and callings our Father has given us.  Don't waver and sway from what God has told you about who you are, what your assignment is in this world and about how HE will provide for you in every way!  Remember Joseph, Job and David...losing everything as Joseph and Job did, but they were promoted and given MUCH more than they lost and David making his own choices to be and adulterer and murderer, but repenting and coming back to the Father.  It's not too late to stop worrying, stop being frustrated and allowing the Lord to have control over your life!!

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