Wednesday, January 9, 2019

When You Can't Say 'No'...

I am a volunteer with a national youth organization that has a unit in our town. I love working with the youth, young men and women who have great potential, big dreams, and wonderful ambitions. I've been with this organization for six years now. 
A few months ago, I decided it may be time to decrease my presence and bow out gracefully, as it were. I mean, I could visualize all the things I could do if I no longer had that commitment every week, and it was exciting! Time to write my books, read other books, work my fitness business, and so much more!

But then I felt the tug of a few pretty cool teenagers. "You can't leave! The (organization) won't be the same without you!" How do I say 'No' to that?! I mean, if I walk away, am I robbing these kids of the impact the Lord wanted me to have on their young lives??
I believe I WOULD! And so as difficult as the position is with time, emotional energy, and utilizing leadership skills, I find myself constantly coming back to the fact that I am called to work with the youth! 
I used to think that I was supposed to be working in our church youth group. But things just never really worked out for me to do that. And then, I joined the youth organization, and several months after joining, a parent asked, " Why do you do this?" Almost naturally, as if the Holy Spirit spoke through me, I uttered, "I've always been called to work with youth, and that is just what I am doing!"

I believe before we say yes or no to an opportunity, we need to really determine if it aligns with what the Lord has called each one of us to do. For example, I am really good at serving in our church cafe, and I do every now and then, but that isn't my real calling; it's just something I'm good at. And I enjoy singing, but I'm not called to be in the community choir or our church worship team. But I am called to work with you, and I do at our church and at the youth organization. 

What are you called to do versus what you're good at that isn't part of your calling? I'd love for you to share!


Come for the journey, stay for the friendship

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