Monday, May 7, 2012

Something new on the horizon...

There are people who embrace change and thrive when change occurs.
There are people who fight change and struggle against it with everything in them. There are people who are afraid of change, but stand up and say, "I'm willing." I believe I fall into the latter category!
This is an exciting time for me as I step out and trust the Lord in a new avenue of my life, in my blog, and with my calling.
While I am not ready to let you all know the extent of all the details, I will let you in on this new change with my blog. I am going to begin creating podcasts!! I will be encouraging, edifying and building us up in our walk with the Lord and touching on my homeschooling journey over the past 18 years. I am excited to embark on this new path and with the help of my very talented brother-in-law helping me record, we will kick off these podcasts by the beginning of June!!
Keep me in your prayers and know that the plans the Lord has for you are for good and not evil; to prosper you, and give you a hope, a future and an expected end! HE has been mindful of you and is calling you to a higher, better, deeper place of knowing Him and walking in ALL that He has for you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw your comment on Homeschool Blogging so I came over to see your blog. Wow! Sounds like you have some exciting changes in store! I wish you well and I will be reading/watching. I am a brand new blogger so I am really enjoying reading other blogs.
