Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

"Help! I've just started my homeschooling year and we're already behind!"

Homeschool mama, if this is you, know that you are not alone! You may be wondering how, at the beginning of the school year, you got off track. I've been there. Life gets busy. The kids have activities and events, appointments come up, and we find ourselves doing school on the run. The books seldom come with us, so in my mind I begin to think, "Oh, no! Another day without doing school!" 

As we have discussed before, school goes so much farther than spending time in textbooks and workbooks. It's about teaching our children to want to learn about the world, people, the way things work, along with how to read, write, perform mathematical calculations, understanding science and remembering history. All of those things work cohesively to form in our child a desire to learn and that is the end goal, in my opinion. 

So today, Mama, if you are behind and wondering how and why that happened, just remember the things you are doing outside of the books and ask yourself, "Did my child learn something new today?" Teaching how to learn is our job!


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