Monday, January 7, 2019

Help in Time of Need

As a mom of 8 young children, I often felt as though I had to everything myself. Even one time when I had surgery, I didn't want to ask for help. Thankfully, my wonderful church family set up folks to help bring meals or run errands if I needed. And you know what? Making meals for our family was just what I needed then!

Another time I had surgery on my feet. I wasn't able to get around much, but with pain medication, I was also little company and preferred to sleep most of the time, my children then older and able to care for themselves. But one person just wanted to talk or occupy my time or anything other than leave me alone. This made my recovery a bit longer as I wasn't getting the rest I needed to allow my body to heal.

This all got me to thinking about my own ideas of what helping people actually looks like! As a blogger, am I giving my readers what they need or am I just doing the digital version of talking like my friend had done to me? Am I offering positive, uplifting, encouraging words to my sisters in the Lord? Am I really, TRULY helping or am I hindering a spiritual or emotional recovery?

Perhaps the emotional recovery is just mine. Writing is cathartic to me. It is calming and a bit relaxing, if you can imagine! But I think that just knowing that you aren't going through something alone or that someone else has gone through it and come out on the other side, it's refreshing and comforting. So that is why I write this blog.

I am not a Super Mom! I don't have magical powers and cannot overcome that pile of laundry OR remembering to put the clothes from the washer into the dryer! But I can relate to a lot of things women and moms go through because I've been there, too.

What does "helping" look like to you? I'd love to have you share your thoughts!

Come for the journey, stay for the friendship!

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