Thursday, February 28, 2013

One Thing...IMAGINE!

I want to revisit my "One Word" for the year:  IMAGINE!  The past few weeks I've met with several friends to discuss their dreams and visions, use me as a sounding block for ideas they've had, and to come up with creative ideas for books and businesses.  I've very much enjoyed my time with each of these people not for what I get to talk to them about as much as for what I'm sowing into their lives and my own.

One of the key things I have asked the people I've met with is this:  Tell me what you IDEAL day looks like.   (Later) Tell me what you IDEAL week looks like.
Can you see your ideal day or week and how it would progress?  Are you having a hard time seeing passed what your life and days look like right now?  That's okay...for now.  But don't be content to stay where you are!  IMAGINE your ideal day and week now.  What can you do to start helping that day or week begin to take shape?

I met with a friend who was considering becoming a consultant of a home-based business.  I asked her why she was considering it, and like many of us her reply was to do something just for herself outside of family life.  I asked if that was her dream, but I knew it wasn't.  She's an incredibly talented singer!  So I asked her what was keeping her from doing that, and you know what she said?  Nothing.  She just didn't know where to start.  So we discussed some ideas and two days later she and I met again at a function, and she told me that she had talked to someone in her church about playing guitar and they are going to start performing at a local venue in town!  THAT is what the Lord can do with your dream or vision when you begin to focus on Him and the talent, dream, goal, or vision He has given you for your life!!

In case you are wondering about my ideal week, here's a glimpse.  It's not by any means specific (YET!), but it gives me a vision for something.  One of my favorite quotes is:  If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it 100% of the time.  I don't want to aim for nothing!  I want to aim for something, even if I fall short.

My ideal week looks something like this:
  •      Meetings with people to help realize their dreams, goals, and visions 
  •      Start the kids on school in the mornings; write/blog while they are doing school
  •      Be a speaker at various organizations such as MOPS, women's groups/ministries, writer's conferences
  •      Weekends off for family time

As I was sitting in church this past Sunday, the Lord showed me that my IDEAL week is taking shape!  The week is beginning to look just as I imagined, I mean JUST AS I IMAGINED!  I saw my ideal week long ago, and I began to schedule meetings (by faith, really!) to start living toward what I could see and all it took was one thing, one step toward my vision.

What ONE THING can you do today to begin guiding and steering that goal, dream or vision that the Lord has given you?  I'd love to hear from you!


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