Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hump Day Encouragement

How have the last 2 days gone for you? Were you able to make a list of everything in your house, car, and computer that needs to be decluttered? Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that should be done? I understand completely!

I want to encourage you today by reminding you that you didn't come to have clutter in just one day, week, or even one month. So don't expect that you will overcome it in a short amount of time either! I know that can be easier to say and hear than to heed. I am the kind of person who sees all that has to be accomplished and will try to finish it--ALL in one day! But that just isn't practical nor is it healthy.

If your list is intimidating, here is a simple solution for tackling it: start with the room you spend the most time in. If you have to take something from that room to another, just set it down in that room and walk right back to the main room you are cleaning; otherwise, you'll get sidetracked and won't finish either room!


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