Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Stop Procrastinating and Start DOING!

We should be well on our way to decluttering by now, right? Well, maybe there are some of us who made that list and became overwhelmed at all that needs to be done. How on earth did we accumulate so much STUFF?! I want to encourage you today, dear friend, that while the work seems a task too impossible to tackle, we can and will accomplish all that comes into our hearts to complete in our houses (2 Chronicles 7:11, NJKV).

If looking at the list makes you feel as though there is no point because you can't get it all done in one day, then set a timer for 20 minutes and do what you can. Set a goal to complete one or two things a day on the list. Listen, the stuff didn't accumulate in 20 minutes, 20 days or more than likely 20 months! It's going to take a little while to get through it. But you need to just keep moving forward because that is making progress and that is our overall goal!

Have a blessed week!


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