Sunday, December 30, 2012

New blog posts on the horizon...

This year I am taking my blog in a new direction!
I will be posting two book reviews a month--one fiction and one non-fiction. I am also going to begin with a year of learning, doing, and/or writing something new. By that I mean I will be writing posts on creating fun and easy homemade things (Probably one a month!), new exercises to try, homeschooling strategies for newbies as well as veterans, and stepping outside of my own writing comfort zone!!

 One thing I have also done is to compile a list of things to pray for and ask the Lord for this year. It says in John 14:13-14 that He (Jesus) will do whatever we ask in His name so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. He then repeats that! He says it in verse 13 and then the very next verse, He repeats Himself: verse 14, "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!" Isn't that great to know that all we have to do is ASK?! How many things have I let pass me by because I never asked?

  I would encourage you this weekend to write down those things that you will ask the Lord for this year. Maybe it's a particular trip or to travel more or for a financial breakthrough or to live out your vision or go to a conference this year. Write it down, as Habakkuk 2:2 says, write the vision clearly so that you can see it as you come and go. Throughout the year, as the Lord gives you these goals, these visions, passions, and dreams, check them off your "ASK" list, and then be sure to tell all of us here at Super Mom the Illusion!!

 Have a very happy, faith-walking, prosperous, and blessing-filled New Year!!!

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