Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday 'Fess Up

You've heard before that I am a list maker. I like to make sure I write down important things to do or that I want to accomplish in a day or week. This past week, my husband was off for vacation. We didn't go anywhere, but instead purposed to accomplish certain things on the every-growing list of things to do, or my "honey-do" list. 

My confession today is that while we didn't get everything completed that we had set out to do, we did get several things checked off. I think it's important to aim for something, even if we only hit 50 or 75 percent of those things. It's certainly better than aiming for nothing and hitting it 100 percent!

Though we didn't get everything done, we were able to knock that list down to some more doable chunks that the kids and I can complete in the coming months as my husband begins his new driving route. We will be able to get those more minor things done and see the results of our efforts. 

I read a post today that said this:

Are you interested in your vision or are you committed to accomplishing it? I understand that many of us are busy. We have work, perhaps homeschooling, church obligations, children's activities, and more. Today, I'd like to you be honest with yourself and ask if any of those things are actually pulling you away from your vision, your calling, your passion, or even just those things on your "to-do" list. Then see what things you can decrease or cease altogether. When you focus on what the Lord has for you, He will begin to show you the bigger picture of what He has planned for you and your life!

Have a blessed week!


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