Monday, March 4, 2019

One Word Check-Up

I thought today we could reflect on the impact of the One Word we've each chosen for 2019! Are you seeing some areas in your life where your word has seemed to help focus or direct you? Do you feel as though you might have chosen the wrong word for the year? Don't worry if either of these questions fit your answer! Both are expected at this stage of the year! You're not crazy, weird, or odd.

So let's address the second question first. You chose a word that you felt passionate about, even believed the Lord had handpicked that word just for you. But now, two months into the year, you haven't seen anything close to that word in, on, or anywhere near your life! Maybe I chose the wrong word! Relax, friend. You are probably doing everything right, but Satan is fighting you every step of the way! That's okay! Simply confirmation you're going in the correct direction! Take out a map (or use Google Maps!) and see how far it is to the opposite side of the country that you live in. For me, I'll choose North Carolina because I live in Colorado. Now, if we look at that map, how do we decide which direction to take? Maybe we choose the fastest way, maybe the one with no toll roads, or maybe the most scenic! The point is, there are many different ways to get there, right? And each one is the right way.

As for the first question, that is also something people experience. And it's not because everything is going well now but the bottom is going to fall out soon. I used to think that! No, instead, it's that we are so focused on the Word of God that the One Word we chose for the year has aligned with our faith and the Scriptures.

Think of it this way...a person is ill. The congregation or prayer team comes together to pray for healing for that person. A miracle happens, and the person recovers quickly. Yet another person is ill, the person has others praying for recovery, but that person decides to go to the doctor and receives medication to treat the illness, and he or she recovers. Just as no two healings are the same, neither are the way situations play out in our lives.

Let's consider the battles the Lord won on Earth for His people. The Lord destroyed the Egyptians with the 10 plagues. David overcame Goliath with one little stone propelled by the Lord and David's action and faith. David and three mighty men who were with him defeated the Philistines
The king of Syria tried to make war against Israel, but could not prevail against it. There are so many stories of how the Lord fought on behalf of Israel and caused the people to be victorious, and there are many ways that happened.

Sister, don't be defeated and quit! Hang in there either way! Your One Word is on a trajectory to propel you farther and further for the Kingdom of God!

How is your One Word coming this year? I'd love for you to share!

Come for the journey, stay for the friendship!

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