Friday, March 1, 2019

A Lasting Impression

As homeschoolers, we are always on the watch for things to enrich our children's life-learning experience. In 2009, we found a wonderful supplemental school not too far from our hometown where our children could attend one day a week classes with their peers. It was a Divine appointment to be joined with this school, and our five children began to thrive in this new environment. In 2016, we decided to have our three remaining homeschooled children take a break from this school. We left on good grounds with the wonderful staff of people we consider friends.

As our two youngest began to approach their final years in high school, they longed to attend the supplemental school once more. I met with one of our friends and she told us about the upcoming registration for the next school year and the new family meeting that would also be taking place soon after. I signed my kids up for the lottery process of getting chosen to attend the school and we attended the meeting a couple of weeks ago.

What was so impressive to me was that the coordinator told me we really didn't have to come down for the meeting. In fact, she exclaimed, "You could probably GIVE the meeting!" Well, there had been a few upgrades to the facility, so my kids and I were eager to see those. After we toured the building and reveled in the beauty of this new annex, we met with the center director. I wanted to know if I should be planning NOW for my kids to return in the Fall or if I would have to wait until we might be called up through a lottery system. The coordinator said, "Oh, your kids are in! No problem!" My kids smiled, and I knew then that we had made the right decision to return for the next school year. I am certain that the favor of the Lord was with us that night!

Do you have a story to share of the Lord's favor on your life? I'd love for you to share it!

Come for the journey, stay for the friendship!

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