Monday, March 18, 2019

Seek First...

I am a people pleaser. I hate to let people down, and I don't like to say I can't do something for someone when I'm asked. This leads to increased stress for me because I'm not putting first things first. Can you relate? So how do we get around this people-pleasing mentality? We turn to the Word!

First, we can meditate on those Scriptures that remind us of the benefits of putting the Lord first in all that we do. I've listed some here:

Next, ask yourself if doing that thing, whether it's driving someone to appointments or organizing an event for a particular group, etc., is moving you toward your goals. Now, I don't mean to say that you would tell a friend you can't drive them somewhere because it doesn't align with your overall vision and goals! Surely, I'm not suggesting that! 
I want you to think if the investment of time in those things that will occur on a regular basis fits in with that. For example, I do well with the details of my organization's annual banquet such as planning the opening ceremony, the guest speaker, and the course of events throughout the night. I don't do well, however, with the planning of the food, drinks, and desserts. So in this case, I have no problem saying I will help with this, but not with that. And you can have that same ease of saying 'no' in similar situations.

Finally, remember to take care of yourself before you agree to take on more tasks. You've no doubt heard 'you can't pour from an empty cup.' It's true! Before you make a commitment to make breakfast for everyone in the church on Easter Sunday or to drive a group of teens to weekly sports events or even to host a weekly coffee group, ask yourself if taking on these tasks is because you don't want to let someone else down or because it fits into your overall goals.

Are you a people-pleaser, too? What are some ways that you overcome the fear of letting others down? I'd love for you to share!

Come for the journey, stay for the friendship!

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