Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday 'Fess Up

The past two weeks have been unlike anything I've ever gone through. I had the joyous experience of spending four days with my grandsons in Nebraska while their mama recovered from surgery. We laughed, we played, we had so much fun just being together. It something I wish I were able to do more often.

Unfortunately, on the heels of all the fun and happiness while I was away, one of our puppies fell ill. We discovered too late that she had contracted Parvo, an extremely violent virus that attacks the dog's intestinal tract. After the passing of our sweet Peri, we decided to have her sister, who had started exhibiting symptoms, tested, and she, too, had Parvo.

Over the course of the next several hours, my oldest son helped to train us in the care of these puppies by giving them fluids subcutaneously and injectable antibiotics. Our days from Friday through Tuesday consisted of giving the fluids every 4-6 hours, until one of the pups needed more, then it became every two hours around the clock and antibiotics every 8 hours. Anyone who thinks that MIGHT look like caring for a baby has never had to sticks hypodermic needles into a puppy!
The one pup is almost 100% back to normal. Our male pup is working on getting there. It's going to be a long week or so, but they are worth it.

The Bible says that "And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18, NKJV). God gave us animals to love and enjoy, and that is what our dogs are to our family. I am so sleep deprived, so mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted from the past week. But through prayer, I've pressed on and so has my 18-year-old son.

By now you may have realized I have yet to share my confession for the week. My confession is that I have had to neglect some things in life, my blogging being one of those things. I have neglected sleep, food, and the celebration of my birthday to use whatever means God gives me to help these puppies thrive. It is my hope and prayer that next Friday, I will be able to share more on their battle with Parvo.

Your prayers over this situation are appreciated!


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