Monday, May 23, 2016

One Word Check Up

At the beginning of the year, we talked about choosing One Word to help focus and guide our year. In past years, I chose words like Imagine, Intentional, and Pursue. This year, I chose Genuine! So I thought as I evaluate how that word has shown up in my life and choices, maybe you need to have a bit of a One Word check up, too.
So, how has your year been with regard to your chosen word for the year?
  • Have you seen yourself moving more toward that word?
  • Has that word become more a part of who you are?
  • Is it pleasant or difficult to see or hear your word?
  • Have you thought about changing your word?
  • Are there things you can see the Lord showing you about yourself and your word?
  • Are those things expected, pleasant, or things that upset you?

Remember, the Word of God is like a mirror revealing who we really are. So if you are uneasy or it isn't pleasant to see or hear that word, pray, repent, and look for opportunities to move in ways that point you more toward that word and toward the Lord.

For me, I have been more transparent in my own life when talking with others. I think I see genuine as honest, truthful, not fake, and a more what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of character. I believe I am doing that! I say what I mean and mean what I say, and I give compliments in an honest manner. A new feat for me is thinking before I speak. While I do mean what I say and say what I mean, sometimes, it's best NOT to say anything! And it's a trait I'm working on with being more genuine.

How about you? How is your One Word going so far this year? Have you not chosen One Word yet for the year? Let me know your word and I'll create an image of it for you!

We'd love to have you share your One Word and your progress!



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