Thursday, February 9, 2017

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

The children of this generation are confronted with seemingly more than we battled as school-aged children when we were growing up. Bullying has become more intense, standards have been both raised and lowered, and technology usage and knowledge is unlike any generation before! So that leads us to this week's topic: How can technology be integrated in homeschooling? There are good reasons for including technology (YouTube videos, tablet/iPad apps, online curriculum) in homeschooling. Most of their public school peers are learning to use technology, the future of technology is thriving, and we want to give our children every advantage we can.

Screen time is definitely something that you as a family need to determine for your children. But there are some effective ways to use technology in education, too. If your child is interested in batch coding, there is a free, online curriculum for that. Kids can, with the assistance and guidance of a parent, find information on how to do a number of things (like solve Rubik's Cubes!) on youTube, can learn grade level sight words using interactive, engaging apps, students can learn those tough math topics using Khan Academy online tutorials, younger children can learn number and letter recognition and colors and shapes, and older teens can even take online courses from reputable universities like MIT, Harvard, and more through free programs like Coursea and MOOC.

A balance between textbook/workbook learning, Bible studies, and technology is a valuable thing for our children. We can help propel them in knowledge, skills, and topics while preparing them for the future simultaneously.

Online programs and apps for homeschoolers can increase their knowledge and understanding of technology and put them on common ground with their public school peers. Consider how technology might fit into your homeschooling day:

  • Make a plan
  • Set boundaries
  • Have rules for using technology (See image below!)
  • Discuss online safety with your children
  • Determine how (and if!) technology will be integrated in your homeschool program

Be encouraged today, homeschooling mama, that whether you include technology in your homeschooling day or not, whether it is a little or an entire curriculum online, you are making the right decision for your children!

Have a blessed week!


*Our rules for getting screen time. This does not include any school that is online.

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