Thursday, February 5, 2015

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement (A Day Late!)

We all have those days in our homeschooling journey where we are coasting along and everything seems to be going so well and we know deep down in our hearts that we could homeschool forever. And then it seems on the heels of some of our best days, we have such struggles that make us question why we chose to homeschool in the first place.
Dear, mom, you are doing such a good thing in the building up and educating of your children. And the reason we seem to have struggles is because much like our Christian walk, Satan is taking notice. Perhaps you had a great day of teaching Bible memory verses or touched on something that seemed to spark your child's interest in an area of his or her relationship with the Lord. Well, the enemy is watching and sees that and desperately wants to deter you, if he can.

This is the time to press in and go back to the Word and what it says about teaching your children. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says that we should make teaching our children the Word of God a daily occurrence. I might also suggest that as it says in Matthew 6:33, that if we seek Him first and His righteousness, then everything else in our day will fall into place.
So on those days when it seems as though nothing is going right with schooling, go back and turn to the Word. Read Bible stories, read the Psalms and Proverbs and turn to God for He is your shield and refuge.


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