Monday, April 20, 2015

Do You Walk By Faith...or By Sight?

This weekend at church, I went up to receive prayer for healing. I've been battling a sore thumb/wrist area for a few months and I know the Lord can and will heal me. I just hadn't gone up to be prayed over until Sunday. I'm not sure why. Maybe other pressing issues or situations in my life or just had a day when I had forgotten about the slight pain that comes and goes.
So, I went up and received prayer. Its was amazing because I literally felt tingling in both hands and I received that healing right then and there! The pain was gone except for this tingling, which was not pain, but I can't exactly describe the feeling. Has this ever happened to you? Have you received prayer and answer or healing immediately? I hadn't experienced this before, so I was quite excited!
After lunch, we came home and I began to work on the computer. Well, it wasn't long before that familiar crampy, achy pain came back and it seemed even stronger than it had been. You know, Satan likes to do that to us to get us to doubt and start to fester unbelief that our healing actually took place. He wants us to lose faith in the healing power of Jesus! And that, dear sisters, is when we must turn from what we are seeing, feeling, and experiencing and hold fast and strong to what we believe. Jesus died and took our sickness, pain, disease on Himself! To deny that we are healed and to want to hold on to those things is to say there was no reason for Jesus' death. 

Jesus conquered more than death on the cross, though. He bore everything Satan created to destroy us. Jesus was made sickness that we might be healthy through His sacrifice. If you believe your are healed, you were prayed for and you have faith in the power of Jesus' Name to overcome sickness and disease, then don't let your faith waver and stray! Hold on to the promise that He bore all of that for matter what you see in the natural. It's been settled in Heaven and God is preparing to manifest your healing in this realm even now!


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