Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday 'Fess Up

Well, this week, as you've probably noticed, I dropped the ball again with the blog posts. Monday night was a big event that I planned for the youth organization I work for and it was a stressful time for me. The night was absolutely fantastic, and I was so relieved it went so well. I hardly had any time to relax and debrief from the pressure of all that planning an event of this caliber entailed, so this week, I didn't write on the blog. I needed to take some time for me again to just sit back and not have any demands (other than family obligations).

You know sometimes, as moms and homemakers, we just need to step back and take time for ourselves! And that is okay to do! In fact, it's almost essential to get yourself back on track with the Lord on a regular basis. That might be once a week, once a month, or just any time that gives you the opportunity to debrief from the events of your family's life, whether busyness, new baby, moving to a new home or after illness.

Take time and draw near to the Lord and He will give you rest.


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