Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday 'Fess Up

I have a difficult time taking care of, well...ME! I make sure the kids have new shoes when needed, make sure they get mental breaks from school, or intervene in situations on their behalf as needed. I put them and my husband first very often while neglecting the refreshing and recharging that I need.

But this time, for the next several weeks, I'm going to be working on me and renewing that passion for ministering to women that God gave me. For the rest of the month, I'll be posting previous posts for the Monday blog posts, Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement, and Friday 'Fess Up so that I can focus on me and my family while we are on vacation. It's no fun being with your family while your mind is actually somewhere else.

So, my confession this week is that I'm going to take care of me!

If you struggle with making YOU a priority, I want to encourage you to pencil yourself in on your calendar. Give yourself several hours or even a full day just for taking care of you and recharging, refreshing, and renewing your relationship with the Lord. You'll come back more prepared for the things God has called you to, I guarantee it!

Have a blessed rest of September and I'll see you in October!!


1 comment:

  1. Now that I'm retired, I give myself a day or two off every week! I love it!
