Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

I am a list maker. I love to make lists of things to do in homeschooling, groceries, meals, keeping track of articles for the magazine in which I am the editor, church events, and blogging topics. Many times, I check things off those lists. Recently, I was challenged by a friend to ditch the lists! At first I was a bit put off by her request. But the more I considered what she really meant, the more I knew she was right.

Lists can begin to define us as parents, educators, spouses, and people in general. I don't get my worth and value from the things I've accomplished each day. Although, I'll admit, I think I really did at one point! No, we get our worth and value from what the Lord says about us and who He tells us we are!

I want to encourage you, Homeschooling Mama and others! You are more than the things you do (or don't!) accomplish on your lists. So if you've fallen behind in math or language arts just aren't going the way you planned, don't be defeated by that. You accomplished something far beyond what you and your children have done in school for the day. You're investing in their character and giving them a gift that has no price: your time!

Have a blessed week!


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