Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hump Day Encouragement

This week, I felt stretched very thin. Between the magazine I edit, the youth organization I work with, church, my ministry, my family, and my personal coaching, I felt that I was failing so many people in so many ways. Sound familiar to you?

What I decided I had to do was find balance between those things that are a part of my calling and those things that I simply feel like I have to do but that aren't part of my calling. We need to understand that while we are responsible for what we are called to do, we are also responsible for those things that we choose to do that pull us away from that. It's the same with our visions. If we constantly allow things to distract us from completing them, there won't be any time left for our goals.

Today, I want you to give yourself permission to say 'No' to those things that pull you away from your calling or your vision. Begin to plan your day, your week, with God's plan for you in mind. I want you to allow yourself to step down from a position that you feel you have to fulfill because no one else is. I want you to be free to pursue all that the Lord has for you this year in your calling, in your vision, and for His Kingdom!

Have a blessed week!


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