Monday, June 5, 2017

What Do You Have A Vision For?

Recently, a youth friend of mine realized her lifelong dream: to become a cast member at Disney World! She dreamed of being in that role for all of her teenage years and even began her own business of Princess characters who would make mall appearances, attend local parades, and serve as the main attraction at young girls' birthday parties! It was something she kept before her eyes literally everyday. She never deviated from that goal and knew one day, in God's perfect timing, she would have the dream she took hold of so many years before.

You know, that teenage friend is no different than you or I when it comes to dreaming. Maybe you feel like you're too old or young to have big, bold dreams. Maybe you feel as though you've already accomplished everything you set out to do in life. Maybe you don't know what or how to dream! It all begins with asking the Lord what He has for you in your life. Be patient. Diligently seek Him to find out what call He has placed on your life. Pray and ask for a passion if you don't have one right now. Ask God to bring back to your remembrance that thing you loved to do in your childhood or youth. Your dream has likely been with you your whole life, but for one reason or another, it was pushed to the back burner and perhaps even forgotten.

You've heard me tell the story before of how my twin sister and I used to play two things when we were little: School, where she was the teacher and I was the student, and television news where I was the news anchor and she was the weather girl. This past weekend at my vision board party, we were talking about this very thing and realized that not only did we play teacher and now she is a teacher, and we played television news and now I am a magazine editor, but I was her student and am a lifelong student, while she teaches science and weather in her STEM program at school! Isn't it awesome how God brings these things into our lives for a purpose?

Many people say, "One day I'll do this or that." But unless you have a plan and a vision for that thing, I can assure you, you will never accomplish it. You have to see it in your mind first before you'll ever do it.

I want to encourage you to read back on my Vision Board posts this week, and decide that TODAY is going to be your Day One and not your one day. What do you want to accomplish and leave for the next generation? What legacy do you want to leave? How do you want to be remembered? All these things lie in the doing of your dreams and goals!

Have a blessed week!


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