Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday 'Fess Up

This week has been refreshing and a bit slower than normal for me. The kids and I are recovering from colds, my husband is back to a more predictable schedule at work and I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things for the first time since Christmas!
I did some decluttering this week, too. In the process, I happened upon some very cool papers. I found my acceptance letter to college (I attended from August 2007 until graduation in December 2008!), my acceptance letter into the Journalism program and most importantly, a notebook with my plans for classes to take at community college and university.

That was an important find because it was proof to me that what you write down, you accomplish. What you see, you become. This is just what we've been talking about with vision boards, writing our goals and keeping them in front of us !
If you have yet to set goals or allow yourself to dream dreams, start today!


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