Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

Getting Back Into A Schooling Routine

It's 9 a.m. and some of my children are still in bed. We were supposed to get up, eat breakfast and begin a new lesson in math this morning. But, well, getting back into the routine of school after the holidays sometimes happens at a snail's pace. Can you relate?
Maybe it was the chaos of family members visiting or the busyness of church activities or maybe you started a new life adventure with the birth of a new baby or moving to a new home. Whatever the reason for struggling with getting back into the routine of school, know first that you aren't alone. We all struggle with that at some point in the school year. But how do we get back into the swing of things and back on track? Well, we set a goal each day until we're back up to speed. 
For example, my kids are still trying to wake up. But I have planned to do this particular math lesson with them all at some point today. We will do it! It just might not be on my initial proposed timeline. It's not necessarily the fault of the children (I'm still in my pajamas as I type this!). But the key is to set new goals each day. Revise lesson plans, if you write them. Change the timeline for the day. But purpose to accomplish those lessons each day. 

Also, look at what you're doing in everyday life. I'm sure your children are still learning even without a textbook or workbook to guide them. So don't be so hard on yourself if you're not back in the full homeschooling groove just yet. Remember, if we wanted homeschooling to look and feel like public school, we probably would have our children in public school right now!


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