Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday 'Fess Up

Good evening, friends! I'm sorry this has been delayed in getting out to you all. But it really fits so well with my confession today. I confess that I have really enjoyed stepping back from all the "things" I usually do! Not this blog, of course! But those things that pull me away from my family, from church, from the assignment God has given me. Can you relate?

Usually, I have school to work on (mine or the kids), have the youth organization where I was the leader, prayer groups, and other miscellaneous meetings that just rob me of my time focusing on and working on those things the Lord has called me to do. Well, I've stepped away from two of those things, and I can honestly say, I don't miss them! I miss the people, but I don't miss the time they sucked away from my Kingdom work.

Tonight, and into tomorrow as we look forward to a new year filled with new beginnings, new opportunities, and new adventures, I want you to seriously consider how busy you are.
What things can go?
What things SHOULD go?
What do you want t focus more on?
What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want 2017 to be for you?
How do you want your life, business, family, relationships, finances to flourish?

Pray about those things and write them down! If you write them down and look at them every day, you're 93% more likely to accomplish them! What have you enjoyed during this holiday season? What things is the Lord showing you need to be removed and need to be your center of attention? Whatever it is, allow Him to reveal that to you as you pray, as you sleep, as you go about your day! Say this: 

Have a blessed last day of 2016 tomorrow!


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