Monday, January 16, 2017

You...are AMAZING!

I once struggled with a low self-image as I shared last week. The Lord brought even more reminders to me this week of how He sees not only me but all His children! If you're struggling in this area of life, if you need a breakthrough to get that knowledge into your heart , and you've tried getting it in your heart just how valuable you are to God, I want you to know TODAY is your day! 

We've talked a lot about the need to speak those things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17), and to make declarations (Psalms 73:28, Psalms 23:7). Just as you may have done last week, this week I'd encourage you to print this out and put it somewhere that you can see and speak it daily! 
As you say these declarations, begin to see yourself that way. Insert your name instead of "you." Say, "Lyn, you're amazing, just the way you are! Lyn, you are a woman of beautiful countenance!" You get the idea. Soon, you'll begin to believe and more importantly, you'll begin to see it! Do you see it yet?

Have a great, blessed, wonderful week, Beautiful and Blessed woman!!


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