Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Trusting God in ALL Areas of Your Life

Trust and Ignoring a Problem Are NOT the Same

Early on in our marriage, my husband and I had heard that we should trust God to work in our lives.  At the time, I think we believed that is how we lived our married life.  But the reality was, we weren't trusting God; we were trusting our own ability to get ourselves out of overwhelming situations.  That never really worked very well and things often ended up becoming worse than if we had gotten on our knees and prayed together.  
We struggled for many years with trusting God, not because we couldn't do it, but because we thought we were and we just weren't!  For example, after each baby was born (the first 4 anyway!), we would choose a method of birth control.  We weren't trusting God with the size of our family; we were trusting that method.  My husband worked up to three jobs at one point in the first seven years we were married to ensure we had "enough money."  But we struggled financially because we were trying to pay bills, and we weren't tithing.  We were trusting the jobs.  That changed as we began hearing our pastor talk about trusting God with our money, the people in our lives, our health, and our family.  
It hasn't been easy and we are still learning to FULLY trust in the Lord.  It's like a child learning how to swim.  You know they want that independence and to be able to let go of the pool noodle, swim instructor, or other safety device, but they are still not confident in their abilities.  Soon, the child does let go and swims successfully, but that child had to decide to let go!  
What are you holding on to that you aren't fully trusting God with?  A job?  A house?  A spouse?  Your health?  Your finances?  NOW is the time to trust the ultimate life saver and let go of our hold of those things!  God totally knows what He's doing in our lives and will do far more than we could EVER hope, think, or imagine...if we will only LET Him.  


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