Friday, September 6, 2013

One Word: Imagine

As I reflect on my One Word for the year, I can't help thinking about how the Lord has given me more than I could have imagined with my writing.  I have set goals of attending writing conferences, publishing books, and encouraging women as wives, mothers, and educators in their families.  But the connections I've made and the work I am doing is so much more than I had thought possible.
I once heard a story about a man who was walking by a magnificent mansion on one of the islands in Hawaii.  He said to the Lord, "I can't imagine ever living in a house like that!"  And the Lord told him, "You can't imagine it, so you will never see it either."  What have you limited God with because you've said you can't imagine it?  Maybe something like this:

  • I can't imagine not working outside the home.
  • I can't imagine not having to pay rent/mortgage.
  • I can't imagine publishing lots of books.
  • I can't imagine being debt free.
Every time we say those things, we are cutting off the vision.  If you can't imagine something, you probably won't attain it.  This week, let's change our thinking, change our words and start opening the opportunities for the Lord to do far exceeding beyond what we can hope, think, or imagine. 

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