Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nothing too difficult

God Sees Things Differently Than Us

This week our church embarked on the start of the biggest event we have ever held.  In the beginning,  the task was exciting! Then we learned of the complexities involved. We will need to reach how many families?! At that moment I could have allowed doubt that the teams in our church could complete the event. But I didn't. I stood on the Word instead. Then came communications issues with the contact number people would use to register to particioate in the event. Our pray team jumped into action and a solution was quickly created. 

See, everyday our lives are faced with the choice to either allow doubt and unbelief to control our reactions or to stand on the Word. What are you facing today, right now? Have you looked through the Scriptures to find verses that will extend your faith? Even if you are ready to give up, just surrender whatever that thing is that is too difficult to get through and figure out! God is there just waiting to act on our behalf; we just have to let Him!


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