Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

As the school year begins to wind down for you, you may be tempted to just set everything aside until August or September and start school then. I would like to encourage you to consider ways of engaging your children even if your normal textbook/workbook schooling is over until the Fall.

Studies have shown that kids who are more engaged in learning will continue learning even outside of conventional learning environments. There are several things you can do with your children that covers all the academics as well as some elective subjects. Here's a brief list of some of those ideas:

  • Go to the zoo-science
  • Allow children to help write the grocery list-handwriting
  • Visit the local fire station-civics/community understanding
  • Wash the family vehicle-physical education
  • Walk around a local lake or park area-science and physical education
  • Make cookies for local police, fire, EMS (ambulance) or hospital employees-science, math, civic awareness
  • Choose household chores to help with and switch every week-life skills
  • Visit a local art gallery-fine art appreciation
  • Visit a local museum-history, science, arts
  • Write letters to friends or family members your children don't see often-handwriting, language arts
  • Participate in the local library's summer reading program-reading, language arts
  • Watch a parade-civic/community awareness

This is of course not a complete list of things you could do, but the idea is to think of learning in all aspects of your everyday life! What can you include in this list?

Check out this printable! It can placed in a photo frame for easier use. Just slide it in the frame, fill in the numbers with a dry erase marker, and cross off as you complete things. Once your list has been achieved, begin a new one!


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