Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sold Out for Jesus?

I am going to be a little transparent with you all here for a moment. I am a goal-oriented, awards-motivated person. If there is something to accomplish with a shining prize at the end, I.WANT.IT! But this week I began thinking about what God wants from me. Does He want me to go and go and go and go towards all these different goals? Do any of them point back to my calling? Why AM I striving for these particular goals besides the prize at the end?! Striving for a goal can be prideful! YIKES! 
It's true. Sometimes when we go after so many things, pride is often involved. I'm not saying that is the case every time. But I would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider WHY you are going after some of the goals in your own life.

  • Do the goals move you closer to your calling?
  • Do they align with the goals of your family?
  • Do they align with what the Bible says?
  • Are you doing this thing just so you can say you did it?
  • Will this goal move you or through you move others closer and further in to the Kingdom and the work you're called to do?

I know it's tough to evaluate yourself and the things you're doing and why you're doing them. Believe me, I know it's incredibly difficult to see the real reasons. But once you come to terms with the "whys," you'll be able to prioritize what things you choose to pursue in life.
This week, write down the things you're pursuing and ask yourself the questions above. I can definitely tell you, once you are wholeheartedly and passionately sold out to serving the Father and giving Him ALL areas of your life, the priorities will become clear.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added to you."


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