Friday, April 12, 2013

Busyness and the Lord

Being About the Lord's Business and Reducing Our Busyness

It is amazing how busy I have gotten over the past few years.  I remember when I was homeschooling my older six children and we belonged to a sort of support group and co-op.  There were field trips, play groups, sports, and planning days.  Then we had church activities such as worship team, youth group, 'tweens group, curriculum writing, audio-visual team, and home prayer groups.  And those were just the activities that the children and I took part in!  We were busy!  
Now, our week is filled with swimming three days a week, Civil Air Patrol, a cooperative school (my kids take theatre classes there), mid-week prayer, supplemental school all day, ballet classes, youth group, usher training (my husband, son, and I are a part of this team!), drawing classes, youth singers, youth group, women's ensemble, men's fellowship, women's fellowship, audio-visual team, cafe outreach, and a homeless dinner outreach.  We are even busier!
One thing I noticed about our busyness is that before it revolved around things we wanted to do and, in many ways, simply kept my children entertained.  The things that cause us to be busy now have changed and become more the things of the Lord and increasing His Kingdom.  As we work in those areas at church, for His Kingdom, He continually increases our time for working on our own goals, dreams and visions that He's given us.
There are also times when we need to slow down.  The Scripture says, "Be still and know I am God (Psalm 46:10, NKJV).  We need to daily meet with Him, just as we would look at our daily planner, to see what He has in store for us.  Meeting with the Lord and making time for that shows the value we place on our relationship with Him.  We wouldn't neglect to meet with a friend for years and when a crisis arose suddenly call them and ask for help, money, a place to stay, etc.  It's the same way with the Lord.  Let's make a point of not being too busy to daily meet with Him and talk with Him.  Remember, in Jeremiah 29:11 the Word says, "For I know the plans I have for you, the Lord; plans to prosper you and not harm you.  To give you a hope, a future, and an expected end."  

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