Tuesday, May 7, 2013

End of the School Year

When the Busyness Turns to Chaos

This week I seem to be busier than normal running children to end of the year performances:  choir, dance, and theatre.  It seemed like it was so far away, but before I knew it, those dates that seemed so distant were upon me.  And it seemed that my mental calendar was not able to recall when each of those performances was...they are all in one week.  What was I thinking?!
I've often mentioned to friends that I am so busy this week that I just want to make it to the end of May.  When May ends, school ends.  And in addition, we have a full month off from any planned homeschooling.  I'm looking forward to regrouping, reorganizing my plans and my home being peaceful and calm from children playing outside more.
  • Just thinking about the school year coming to a close, what things are you looking forward to?  
  • What areas have you perhaps neglected that you are looking forward to fixing and getting back on track?
  • Do you take off for the whole summer if you homeschool?
Consider the ways you can keep from getting lost in the chaos and busyness.  And congratulations on finishing the school year strong!


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