Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stepping Back from Things

Knowing When to Put Activities on Hold 

Those of you who regularly read Super Mom the Illusion have probably noticed a decline in the number of posts the past couple of weeks.  Somehow the activities of the end of the school year seemed to be on top of us before I realized it.  Last week my children had choir and dance rehearsals and performances with our supplemental school two nights in a row, regular classes at that school, an awards assembly, and performances with their theatre school on another night.  In addition to that, my daughters and I attended a Mother's Day tea with our women's ministry group and of course Sunday was Mother's Day.  It was a very busy week! 

While the week was so hurried, I tried to maintain all my own activities.  That didn't go so well.  Can anyone else relate to that?  Something was going to be abandoned during the chaos of events, and it ended up being my writing on the blog.  I know that sometimes when bloggers get busy they often re-post a previous article. I ran out of time to even do that!  I knew that stepping back from writing my daily blog this week was what I needed to do.  I couldn't step away from the activities of my children, the Mother's Day tea, or my schooling.  But I could, as much as I didn't want to, put writing on hold.
Now that the week has settled a bit, I look forward to discussing the Word, our roles as homeschoolers and mothers, and also keeping the vision the Lord has given each one of us.

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