Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kick-Off of 30 Day Challenge!

What Can You Do Accomplish in 30 Days?

I am so excited for this new 30 day challenge!  For the past few months, we've talked about how to catch the vision God has for us.  This month, we're going to put all those things we have learned into practice, and we can expect results!  When we decide what you're going to do for the next 30 days, remember these things for success:
  • Make your goal clear; be specific
    • I will learn (a foreign language); I will read 20 books; I will write a book; I will listen to music from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.; I will pray for 15 minutes every day.  Be as specific as possible!
  • Make your goal measurable
  • Make it relevant to your passion or vision
I'll share my 30 day challenge with you to give you an idea of what a goal might look like.  
I am going to write and complete at least a 50,000 word novel by May 31st!  

Now, I have done this before, but this time, the novel is different.  The characters are different; the point-of-view I'm writing in is different; the theme and location are different.  I'm not writing the same book I did previously, but I'm pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone that would allow me to write very casually.  It is a measurable goal to write this book of so many words by the end of the month.  Finally, it's relevant to my passion for writing!

I look forward to hearing about your 30 day challenges, so send me a message and let me know how it's going!  You can do it!!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)


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