Thursday, May 15, 2014

Are Your Dreams and Visions Real to You?

Moving From Saying to Doing

Dreaming of my future career and life was my favorite pasttime as a teenager. I used to love to think about my life as a writer or actress...or adventurer or college student living in Central California. Going to the beach, living in a bungalow on the coast and attending all the big awards events with the most popular television and movie stars at the time. But I never really did anything to pursue those dreams. I talked about them. I talked a lot. I was saying what I wanted to do, but I never did things that moved me to that direction. 
Honestly, even my own personal writing push came when I finally stepped out and took the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Challenge in Novemeber 2010. It was then that I began to set my dream in motion. But none of it would have been possible if I hadn't stepped out and tried to do it. I didn't reach my 50,000 word goal at that time. I felt as though I had quit in the middle of a race. You may be feeling like that, too, with your dreams and visions. Can I encourage you with this, though? If your dream seems impossible, it's probably from God! Dreams that are attainable by our own hand are okay to have. But what a testimony to be able to say, "I couldn't do this on my own. The only way I did was through God's power and strength!"
Recently our pastor's wife spoke to our women's group and shared seven indicators that you have a dream from God. I want to share them with you because this will help you take hold and own your dream!

  1. Does it capture your imagination? Does it excite you? Can you see it in your heart?
  2. If it seems impossible, not possible.
  3. If your dreams seems as though it's never going to come to pass, but deep down your won't let it go.
  4. If those around you are not enthusiastic about your dream/vision as your are.
  5. If you feel resistance and frustration, but the dream is still there.
  6. If it consumes your thinking and gets bigger and bigger on the inside.
  7. If it seems to define who you are and shape your life.

God-dreams are meant to enhance and impact the kingdom of God! I encourage you to take inventory of your dream, your vision, that thing that won't let you go and keeps calling you back to it. For me, it was writing. As long as I can remember, I've been a writer in one way or another. And you are never too old to start pursuing your dream! C.S. Lewis once said, "You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream." How true that is! Don't get discouraged. Your dream is just on the other side of your breakthrough!

What is it for you? It's probably a dream from God for a purpose to impact the Kingdom!


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