Thursday, May 22, 2014

Book review: Mom's Night Out and Other Things I Miss by Kerri Pomarolli

Mom's often struggle with parenting. Not because of the tasks required of us (cleaning house, endless loads of laundry, making meals and snacks every day, and remembering everyone's schedules!), but because being a mom takes a lot out of us and we need to get together for emotional support and encouragement. I have been reading a great devotional book that does just that!

In her newest book, Kerri Pomarolli brings comedy and real-life situations into one in a way that all mom's can relate. Infused with a vivid transparency into her own parenting and mommy challenges are those moments when, like each of us, she stops. She remembers that God knows what we're going through and while we don't understand our less-than-perfect lives, He's still God and still in control.
One of my favorite devotions was titled, "Top Ten Things Parents Will Never Do Again." Here's the list:

  1. Take a shower over eleven minutes long...alone!
  2. Eat at a Five-Star restaurant on a weeknight.
  3. Go to Costco or Sam's Club and spend under $300.
  4. Leave the house in under twenty-three minutes.
  5. Sleep through the night.
  6. Watch the news reports about the world and not worry.
  7. Wear skinny jeans.
  8. Take an unplanned road trip, just for the "fun of it" and not bring snacks.
  9. Use the bathroom alone.
  10. Wonder why your mother was always tired!
Can you relate to these things? I know I can. I also know that this is only a season and doesn't last forever. But back to the book!
Each devotion begins with a Scripture followed by a story of Kerri's real parenting. It concludes with a "Take a Moment to Think About..." section and of course Kerri leads us in a wonderfully humbling, encouraging and uplifting prayer to pray. You will read this book feeling empowered and most importantly, normal and not alone in your struggles as a mom!

You can find Kerri's book at Wal-Mart, Target and online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

Enjoy being refreshed and encouraged! And it's okay to laugh when reading this book!


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