Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Homeschool Hump Day Encouragement

Every once in a while, I find the kids and I have difficult homeschooling days. Either they just aren't in the frame of mind to do school or I'm not. You may have experienced this in your homeschooling days. And maybe you haven't yet. But there may come a time when you simply have to decide to stop trying to "do" school and do something else!

Here are some ideas that will still engage your kids educationally when traditional school needs to be set on the back burner for the day:

  • Go on a walk in your local open space
  • Ride bikes around a local bike path you haven't taken before
  • Take turns reading books aloud
  • Make up stories and each of you write one sentence at a time
  • Tour the local fire department or police department
  • Make plans to create the best park in the neighborhood (what equipment is there? Draw it!)
  • Buy a dozen carnations and stand at the local grocery store handing out flowers to those who seem to need a little encouragement
  • If you have middle school or high school children, visit a local daycare and see if you can read to the children
  • Create "stations" in your home and allow the kids to choose what they will do for each 20 minute time period (Ideas: Yahtzee table with 2 kids, Wii Fit, painting/fingerpainting, reading area, and a writing area)
  • Have a family Olympics complete with a 3-legged race, water balloon toss and kickball!

The bottom line here is that instead of trying to force school, sometimes you just need to step back--everyone--and do something educational and outside-of-the-box!

What are your ideas for tough homeschooling days?


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