Friday, February 21, 2014

Reaching Your Goals

How Long Must I Wait?

I remember shortly after I graduated from high school, I wanted nothing more than to write. So much so that I did as much research as I could out in Cupertino, California on muscular distrophy so I could write down all that I had learned and pass it on to others. That paper was typed up and sat in a folder never to see the light of day again. But I knew then that I had a desire to write. I don't think I had a passion for it as I do now, but it was and has always been a part of me and who I am. I am a writer. I've set goals of publishing books, writing blog posts, reading and reviewing books, and doing all I can to write and write and write. But for all the writing I've done, I'm still left with the quesion of when all this writing (that I LOVE, mind you!) will pay off. When will my books bring in a suitable supplemental income for my family? When will I reach 500 readers? When will my books be picked up by an agent or publisher? When my goals finally be reached?

The fact is, I know these things will come to pass because I know that the Lord gave me a talent for writing for a specific purpose at a specific time and to reach and impact the Kingdom for His glory. I can't be in such a hurry to see results from all my efforts that I surpass and sidetrack myself from His plans. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for good and not evil, to prosper you and not harm you. Plans for a hope, a future and an expected end" (paraphrased). We can also see in Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything that happens and a purpose under Heaven. God knows we long to accomplish those big goals and dreams and visions we've set! And what's more important and of greater focus to us is that we know He wants us to finish those things we've started.
Don't lose hope or faith. God who began a good work in you will see it to fruition!


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