Monday, February 17, 2014

Take Hold of Your Inheritance

I enjoy stories of people who are down and out, no where to turn who receive an unexpected inheritance from a long-lost relative. Or how someone inherits a ranch, farm or other business and it makes them instantly rich. And how often I have caught myself wishing that were me getting the inheritance.
Typically, a person gains an inheritance upon the death of someone and the deceased has left instructions for the distribution of the goods, belongings or funds from his or her estate. This week our pastor gave us a wonderful teaching on this very thing.
In all my wishing that I could be the one to be given an inheritance, I had already been granted that, but I never took ahold it. See, when Jesus died, I was given all that I had longed for! I am the one who received a life-changing, instantly-rich inheritance. And what's more is that each one of us was given the same inheritance and it's ours for the asking and receiving! 

You are a child of the Most High God! A child of the King and you're inheritance has been granted! Claim it! Take hold of it! And walk in the knowledge that you've already been added to the will of Jesus that made your inheritance possible!


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