Friday, February 28, 2014

Surveying Your Year

Closing In On Your Dreams and Goals

At the end of every month, I like to step back and survey where I'm at with my goals and vision for the year. I want to begin editing my next book next month, so I'm printing a PDF copy out today! Other than that, I feel like my goals have stalled. Not because I'm not eager to finish, but because I have so many things going on with running kids to their activities, my college classes, and church activities. Yesterday we talked about the importance of prioritizing. So I considered these things:

  • Am I making my writing and writing goals a priority? 
  • Have I been intentional about making time to write above other interests I have? 
  • Have I been making time for the Lord? 
  • Are His plans for me a major focus or am I running like wild horses going in all sorts of directions?
If you're like me, some areas you feel like you've got it all together. But others are lacking. So I made a list of things to remind me to focus on those things the Lord gave me a vision for so I can stay on track for closing in on my goals! 
Here's my list:


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